Testing on your own server
Depending on how PolyWorks|DataLoop is installed at your location, you must make sure that you validate your access either using PolyWorks|DataLoop Web Interface or PolyWorks|Inspector. Certificates and SSL security settings will be handled by your browser on the first call.
PolyWorks|DataLoop Core Configurator API setting
It is important for your IT administrator to make sure that the PolyWorks|DataLoop API is open to external applications in the Options tab of the PolyWorks|DataLoop Core Configurator dialog box:
Testing with Postman
One of the best third-party tools to make sure that everything works properly regarding the PolyWorks|DataLoop API calls is Postman. It can be downloaded from https://www.postman.com/downloads/.
You can then configure Postman to use the Personal Access Token generated as explained in PAT.
Here is a sample screenshot to help you configure and use the PAT:
Dataloop Licensing
A PolyWorks|DataLoop license is borrowed from the PolyWorks Collaborative License Server when you generate the PAT.
This license is returned to the license server when the PAT is deleted.
Updated 10 months ago